Earth Science Activities For Middle School

Tired of teaching via traditional methods? Spark your student’s curiosity and ignite a passion for earth science with these 6 (six) dynamic, hands-on activities designed for classrooms and/or doing at home.

These activities offer a journey of discovery across diverse earth science topics like weather patterns, seismic activity, light phenomena, and soil analysis.

So, step away from the traditional and embrace the active and extraordinary! Perform these activities and watch your students transform from passive learners to active Earth science explorers!

Engaging in hands-on activities will help middle schoolers understand complex concepts more easily. It fosters a deeper understanding of the Earth’s processes and environmental issues. 

Through these activities, teachers can offer a more immersive learning experience that encourages focus on scientific inquiry, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, environmental and economic concerns, climate change, and more.

How These Will Help Middle Schoolers?

These activities are crafted to align with the natural curiosity of middle schoolers, making learning both enjoyable and meaningful. 

They provide practical examples of scientific earth science concepts, demonstrating their relevance in everyday life.

This approach helps students develop an interest in science and the environment similar to core science activities for middle school.

How Can Teachers Use These Activities to Teach Earth Science?

Teachers and homeschool parents can use these earth science exercises to complement the curriculum, offering a hands-on learning experience. 

Each experiment is designed to be accessible, requiring minimal equipment and materials. They serve as excellent tools for illustrating scientific principles and making the classroom both fun and impactful.

Earth Science Activities For Middle School Infographics

6 Interactive Earth Science Activities that Rock

1. Crafting Your Seismograph at Home

Students build a simple seismograph to understand how earthquakes are recorded.


  • Sturdy Shoe Box or Small Cardboard Box: This will act as the housing for the seismograph.
  • Weight (e.g., a small, heavy object such as a washer or a dense rock): It serves as the mass that remains stationary during vibrations.
  • String: To suspend the weight inside the box.
  • Paper Roll: This will be used to record the seismic waves. A long strip of paper or a continuous paper roll that fits inside the box is ideal.
  • Markers or Pens: Attached to the weight of the box, to draw the seismic waves on the paper.
  • Scissors: For cutting the string and modifying the box if necessary.
  • Tape and/or Glue: To secure components inside the box and attach the marker or pen to the weight.



  • Modify the Box: Cut a small hole at one end of the shoebox – this is where the paper will feed through. If possible, create another hole on the opposite side to allow the paper to roll out smoothly.
  • Suspend the Weight: Tie the string around the weight. Secure the other end of the string to the top center of the box, ensuring the weight hangs freely and can move side to side or back and forth without touching the sides of the box.
  • Attach the Marker: Tape or glue the marker to the weight, positioning it so that its tip lightly touches the paper roll placed at the bottom of the box.

Sealing and Placement:

  • Set Up the Paper Roll: Place the paper roll inside the box so it unwinds beneath the marker tip. The paper should smoothly feed from one hole to the other (if using two holes).
  • Secure the Box: Place the box in a location where it won’t be disturbed but can still record any vibrations. This could be on a solid surface or floor.


  • Monitor Activity: Over the following days, students should check the paper for any lines or marks.
  • Simulate Seismic Activity: For immediate results, gently shaking the table or floor near the seismograph can simulate seismic waves, allowing the device to record “earthquakes.”


This ‘DIY Seismograph’ enables students to understand how seismic waves are detected and recorded. The suspended weight remains stationary due to inertia when the box (and the Earth) moves during a seismic event. This movement is then transferred onto the paper as a trace, illustrating the vibrations caused by the seismic waves.

Quick Tip:

  • Ask students to experiment with different weights and markers to see how these changes affect the sensitivity and recordings of their seismographs.
  • Discuss the significance of seismographs using easy to use earthquake activity and notes and by predicting potential seismic events.


By constructing and observing their seismograph, students gain a practical understanding of how seismic activity is measured. It also helps them understand the importance of earthquake preparedness and awareness in their lives.

2. Wind Erosion Experiment Time!

Wind Erosion Experiment Time!

Explore the effects of wind on different soil types. By simulating wind erosion in a controlled environment, students will observe firsthand how wind can shape and alter the Earth’s surface.


  • A large, shallow tray: This will serve as the base for creating a miniature landscape.
  • Sand: To simulate the Earth’s surface that is affected by wind erosion.
  • Small pebbles or rocks: To represent larger, more resistant elements within the landscape.
  • A fan: To simulate wind.
  • A barrier (like cardboard or plastic): To partially block the wind and create different zones of wind erosion.
  • A spray bottle with water: To lightly moisten the sand, mimicking natural moisture in the soil.
  • Permanent markers: To label areas of the tray and to mark the initial positions of pebbles or rocks.



  • Fill the shallow tray with sand to a depth of about 2-3 inches. This represents the Earth’s surface that will be subjected to wind erosion.
  • Place small pebbles or rocks at various locations on the sand surface to simulate larger landscape features.
  • Use the permanent markers to label different areas of the tray, such as “High Wind Zone,” “Protected Zone,” etc., based on where you plan to position the barrier and fan.
  • Lightly moisten the surface of the sand with the spray bottle. This simulates natural conditions where soil might have some moisture.

Creating Wind Erosion:

  • Set up the fan on one side of the tray and the barrier on the other side, leaving enough space for the wind to pass through and over the tray.
  • Turn on the fan at a low or medium setting to start the wind erosion process. Adjust the fan’s speed to see how different wind intensities affect erosion.


  • Students should observe the movement of sand and pebbles over time. They will notice how the sand shifts from areas of high wind exposure to more protected areas.
  • They can note the difference in erosion patterns on either side of the barrier and around the pebbles or rocks.
  • Encourage students to record their observations, noting the time taken for noticeable changes in the landscape.


This experiment will demonstrate how wind erosion works, showing the transport of particles from one place to another by the force of wind. 

The areas behind barriers and around larger rocks will show less erosion due to wind protection, illustrating the concept of sheltering and the varying impacts of wind erosion on different landscapes.

Quick Tip:

  • Encourage students to experiment with different landscape setups, such as changing the arrangement of rocks or the moisture level of the sand, to see how these factors influence wind erosion.
  • Discuss how vegetation, natural formations, and human-made structures can impact erosion and landscape change.
  • Use erosion and weathering boom cards to cover types, factors, and effects.


Through this hands-on experiment, students will gain a better understanding of wind erosion, a significant geological process. This knowledge is crucial for understanding the Earth’s changing surface and the importance of managing land to prevent excessive erosion, especially in areas prone to high winds.

3. LEGO Soil Layers Experiment

Using LEGO bricks to model and explore the various layers of soil, providing a hands-on learning experience about soil composition, structure, and the importance of soil in the Earth’s ecosystem.


  • LEGO Bricks of Different Colors: Each color will represent a different soil layer, such as topsoil, subsoil, parent material, and bedrock.
  • Transparent Container: To assemble and display the LEGO soil layers model.
  • Labels: To identify each soil layer.
  • Soil Samples (Optional): For a more immersive experience, real soil samples can be compared with the LEGO model.


  • Layering: Begin by selecting different colors of LEGO bricks to represent each soil layer. For instance, dark brown for topsoil, light brown for subsoil, grey for parent material, and black for bedrock.
  • Assembly: In the transparent container, start assembling the LEGO bricks from the bottom up, following the natural order of soil layers: bedrock, parent material, subsoil, and topsoil. Ensure each layer is distinct and proportional to demonstrate the thickness of real soil layers.
  • Labeling: Once the layers are assembled, use labels to identify each. This will help students remember the layers and their significance.
  • Discussion: Explain the function of each layer, such as the topsoil’s role in plant growth due to its organic matter content, and the bedrock’s role as the foundation.


This experiment will illustrate the complexity and structure of soil layers, emphasizing the importance of each layer in supporting plant life, filtering water, and its role in the Earth’s ecosystem.

Quick Tip:

Encourage students to relate the LEGO model to real-life scenarios, such as gardening or natural soil erosion, to deepen their understanding.


By building a LEGO model, students can visually and physically learn the concept of soil layers, and also improve their information on soil and its vital role in the environment.

4. Orange Peel Plate Tectonics Experiment

Orange Peel Plate Tectonics Experiment

Using orange peels, this experiment offers a simple yet effective demonstration of plate tectonics, continental drift, and the formation of geographical features.


  • Oranges: Preferably large ones to easily represent Earth’s surface.
  • Knife: To cut the orange peel into sections.
  • Marker: To draw and label the tectonic plates on the orange peel.



  • Carefully peel the orange in a way that the peel remains in one piece or in large sections that can be reassembled to form the whole orange shape again. This intact peel will represent the Earth’s surface.


  • On the inside of the peel (the white part), use the marker to draw boundaries to represent the Earth’s tectonic plates. You can base this on real tectonic plate boundaries or create hypothetical ones for the demonstration.
  • Label key plates with names to provide a more educational experience, if desired.


  • Reassemble the orange peel sections back into the shape of an orange. This step is crucial as it simulates the Earth’s complete surface before the tectonic plates begin to move.

Demonstration of Plate Movements:

  • With the peel reassembled to form a complete ‘orange Earth,’ begin to demonstrate the movement of tectonic plates by gently pressing and sliding the peel sections against each other.
    • Divergent boundaries: Move two sections apart to show how tectonic plates diverge from each other.
    • Transform boundaries: Slide two sections past one another to simulate the sliding motion at transform boundaries.
    • Convergent boundaries: Push two sections towards each other, one going over or under the other, to represent plate collision and subduction.
  • This tactile demonstration allows students to visually and physically grasp how tectonic plates move and interact on the Earth’s surface.


This experiment models the Earth’s lithosphere’s dynamic nature and demonstrates how plate movements shape our planet’s surface, leading to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain formation.

Quick Tip:


This hands-on activity simplifies complex geological concepts, making it easier for students to understand and visualize the forces that shape our world.

5. The Rainbow Creation Experiment

To demonstrate how light refracts and disperses into its component colors when passing through a prism, mirroring the natural formation of rainbows.


  • A glass prism
  • White paper or a white wall
  • A sunny window or a bright flashlight/overhead projector
  • Water (optional, to see the effect of refraction in a different medium)


  • Setup:
    • Place the white paper on a table near a sunny window. If sunlight is not available, set up a bright flashlight or an overhead projector as your light source, pointing towards the paper.
  • Using Sunlight:
    • Hold the glass prism in the path of sunlight so that the sunlight passes through one of the prism’s faces.
    • Adjust the angle of the prism until light refracts (bends) through the prism and a spectrum of colors is displayed on the white paper. This spectrum is your created rainbow.
  • Using a Flashlight or Projector:
    • If using an artificial light source, turn off other lights in the room for a clearer observation.
    • Point the light source towards the prism. Adjust the prism in the light path until you project a spectrum onto the paper or wall.
  • Observation:
    • Observe how the white light splits into a range of colors. This dispersion occurs because different colors of light bend by different amounts when passing through the prism.
  • Experimentation:
    • Experiment with moving the prism closer or further from the paper to see how it affects the size and intensity of the rainbow.
    • Try using water by filling a clear glass with water and repeating the experiment. Note how the water acts like a prism and compare the effect.


This experiment illustrates the principles of refraction and dispersion. Light is made up of a spectrum of colors, each with a different wavelength. When light passes through a prism (or another medium like water), these wavelengths bend at slightly different angles due to their varying speeds in the medium, spreading out to form a rainbow.

Quick Tip:

  • Experiment with prisms of different shapes or materials to observe variations in the dispersion pattern.
  • Use this experiment to discuss the natural formation of rainbows and how they occur when sunlight is refracted and dispersed by water droplets in the atmosphere.
  • Support these hands-on activities with worksheets on light energy.


Students will gain a hands-on, visual understanding of an important physical science concept, deepening their appreciation for the natural world and the physics of light. 

This experiment not only elucidates a fundamental principle of optics but also connects to broader topics such as the nature of light and color perception.

6. Investigate Local Rocks and Minerals Experiment

Investigate Local Rocks and Minerals Experiment

This activity encourages students to collect, observe, and classify local rocks and minerals, fostering a deeper understanding of geology and Earth’s natural resources.

Materials Needed:

  • Collection of Rocks and Minerals: Encourage students to bring samples from home or on a field trip.
  • Magnifying Glass: To examine the textures and features of the samples.
  • Hardness Test Kit: To determine the hardness of the minerals.
  • Acid (Vinegar): To test for the presence of calcium carbonate.
  • Identification Chart: To help classify and identify the rocks and minerals.


  • Collection: Have students collect various rocks and minerals from their surroundings or during a field trip.
  • Observation: Use magnifying glasses to observe the color, texture, and layering of the samples.
  • Testing: Perform hardness tests and acid tests to gather data on the minerals’ properties.
  • Classification: Using an identification chart, classify the rocks and minerals based on their observed properties and test results.


This activity introduces students to basic geological processes and the diversity of materials that compose Earth’s crust.

Quick Tip:

Incorporate a discussion on how these rocks and minerals are used in daily life and their economic importance. Use rocks and minerals teaching resources in your classroom to supplement this activity.


By engaging in real-world scientific inquiry, students develop critical thinking and analytical skills, encouraging a greater appreciation for Earth’s natural resources.

Earth Science Activities Offer a Blend of Fun and Learning

These hands-on earth and environmental science activities aren’t just about memorizing facts – but they help students understand the world around them and shape them to become curious explorers.

You can do more such experiments such as ocean acidification in a bottle, constructing contour maps, or simulated fossil digs.

These activities are the perfect blend of excitement and learning, making the earth science topics accessible and awesome for middle schoolers.

Teaching Resources by The Science Arena

The Science Arena is more than just a resource provider; we are teachers’ partners in education. 

We aim to help teachers in igniting a passion for science among the students, from general science, and anatomy to earth sciences, physics and beyond. Our worksheets, activities, pintables, and comprehensive guides are designed to make science education accessible, engaging, and fun.