Weather Activities for Middle School

Ever heard students asking to “have fun” in your science classrooms? Us too. And many a times! 

So, let’s ditch the dull and dive into awesome weather activities that’ll have your middle schoolers obsessed! 

Forget the frustration of rote memorization – these 9 hands-on weather activities for middle school students will help light up their curiosity about weather science, leaving them leaning towards predicting the next rain shower or decoding the secrets of greenhouse effects.

Why Teach Weather in Middle School?

Weather is a fundamental aspect of Earth science, intertwining with biology, chemistry, physics, and even geography. 

By delving into weather patterns and processes, we’re nurturing critical thinking, observational skills, and a deeper understanding of our planet’s intricate systems.

Let’s explore these 9 middle school weather activities to understand weather concepts and have fun with them. 

Weather Activities for Middle School Infographic by The Science Arena

9 Fun Weather Science Activities 

1. DIY Anemometer Construction

Let’s construct a simple anemometer to measure wind speed and understand the basic principles of meteorology and engineering.


  • 4 small paper or plastic cups
  • 4 straws or wooden skewers
  • A wooden dowel or pencil
  • A small paper clip
  • A ruler
  • A hot glue gun or tape
  • A stopwatch or timer


  • Setup:
    • Gather all materials in a well-lit, open workspace.
    • Ensure safety precautions are followed, especially when using hot glue guns.
  • Cup Preparation:
    • Take each cup and poke a small hole in the center of the bottom.
    • Repeat this process for all four cups.
  • Straw Assembly:
    • Cut each straw or wooden skewer into equal lengths, approximately 8 centimeters long.
    • Insert one straw into each hole at the bottom of the cups, ensuring they’re securely attached.
  • Cross Assembly:
    • Arrange the four cups so that they form a cross shape when viewed from above.
    • Use the hot glue gun or tape to attach the straws to the cups, forming the cross securely.
  • Pivot Point:
    • Take the wooden dowel or pencil and attach the paper clip to one end.
    • Place the other end of the dowel or pencil through the center of the cross formed by the cups.
    • Ensure the paper clip rotates freely, acting as the pivot point for the anemometer.
  • Calibration:
    • Use the ruler to mark equal distances along the lengths of the cups, starting from the center.
    • These marks will help measure the rotation of the cups and calculate wind speed.
  • Testing:
    • Take the completed anemometer outside to an open area where there’s wind.
    • Hold the anemometer upright, allowing the cups to catch the wind.
    • Use the stopwatch or timer to measure the time it takes for the anemometer to complete a full rotation.
  • Calculation:
    • Measure the time it takes for the anemometer to complete one full rotation.
    • Use this time and the known distance between the center pivot and the cup edges to calculate wind speed.


This DIY anemometer works on the principle of rotation induced by wind force. As the cups catch the wind, they rotate around the central pivot point. By measuring the time it takes for the cups to complete a rotation, students can calculate the wind speed using simple mathematical formulas.

More Tips:

  • Experiment with different cup sizes or materials to observe how they affect the anemometer’s performance.
  • Discuss the importance of measuring wind speed in various fields such as meteorology, aviation, and renewable energy.
  • Connect the construction of the anemometer to broader topics such as engineering design, weather patterns, and climate change.
  • Use reading comprehension on winds to teach and revise local and global winds.


By building their anemometer, students can learn about the relationship between wind and weather while engaging in a hands-on science activity including creativity and problem-solving abilities.

2. DIY Homemade Barometer for Middle School

We will construct a homemade barometer to measure and learn atmospheric pressure and understand the basic principles of meteorology and weather prediction.


  • A glass jar or plastic bottle with a wide mouth
  • A balloon or rubber glove
  • A rubber band or string
  • A drinking straw
  • A ruler
  • A small piece of paper
  • A pen or marker
  • Scissors
  • Tape


  • Setup:
    • Gather all materials in a well-lit, open workspace.
    • Ensure safety precautions are followed, especially when using scissors.
  • Jar Preparation:
    • Fill the glass jar or plastic bottle with water to about two-thirds full.
    • Place the jar on a flat surface where it won’t be disturbed.
  • Balloon Assembly:
    • Cut the neck of the balloon or rubber glove to separate it from the main body.
    • Stretch the balloon or rubber glove tightly over the mouth of the jar, ensuring it forms a tight seal.
    • Secure the balloon or rubber glove in place using a rubber band or string wrapped around the mouth of the jar.
  • Straw Placement:
    • Take the drinking straw and tape it vertically along the side of the jar, extending from the mouth to the bottom.
    • Ensure the straw is securely attached and doesn’t obstruct the opening of the jar.
  • Scale Creation:
    • Use the ruler to mark equal intervals along the length of the straw.
    • Number these intervals from top to bottom, representing the scale for measuring atmospheric pressure.
  • Reference Point:
    • Take a small piece of paper and write “High” at the top and “Low” at the bottom.
    • Tape or glue the paper next to the scale on the jar, providing a reference point for interpreting the barometric readings.
  • Testing:
    • Place the homemade barometer in a location where it won’t be disturbed, away from direct sunlight and drafts.
    • Observe the level of water inside the jar relative to the scale on the straw.
    • Record the position of the water level and any changes over time.
  • Interpretation:
    • Use the recorded data to interpret changes in atmospheric pressure.
    • A rising water level indicates increasing pressure (high pressure), while a falling water level suggests decreasing pressure (low pressure).


This DIY homemade barometer operates on the principle of atmospheric pressure exerted on the surface of the water inside the jar. As atmospheric pressure changes, it causes the water level to rise or fall, which is reflected by the movement of the straw. 

By monitoring these changes, students can gain insights into weather patterns and also predict short-term changes in the weather.

More Tips:

  • Experiment with different jar sizes or water levels to observe how they affect the sensitivity of the barometer.
  • Research the relationship between atmospheric pressure and weather phenomena such as storms, wind patterns, and air masses.
  • Discuss the historical significance of barometers in weather forecasting and their modern-day applications in meteorology and atmospheric science.


By building and using their homemade barometer, students can explore the dynamics of atmospheric pressure and its role in shaping weather conditions. However, this project not only reinforces concepts in meteorology and earth science, but also encourages curiosity, observation skills, and critical thinking abilities.

3. Cloud Formation in a Jar

Cloud Formation in a Jar

To simulate cloud formation in a jar and understand the principles of condensation and precipitation.


  • A clear glass jar with a lid
  • Boiling water
  • Ice cubes
  • Aerosol hairspray or a matchstick (optional)


  • Setup:
    • Gather all materials in a well-ventilated area.
    • Ensure safety precautions are followed, especially when handling boiling water and aerosol hairspray or matches.
  • Jar Preparation:
    • Fill the bottom of the glass jar with boiling water to about one-third full.
    • Quickly place the lid on the jar to trap the heat and steam inside.
  • Cloud Formation:
    • Place a few ice cubes on top of the lid of the jar.
    • Observe as the warm air inside the jar rises and meets the cold surface of the lid, causing condensation to form.
    • Cloud-like formations should appear inside the jar, resembling the formation of clouds in the atmosphere.
  • Optional Step:
    • To enhance cloud formation, you can spray a small amount of aerosol hairspray into the jar or light a matchstick and quickly extinguish it inside the jar. This introduces particles into the air, which act as nuclei for condensation to occur around.


This experiment will demonstrate the process of cloud formation, wherein warm, moist air rises, cools, and condenses into water droplets or ice crystals. 

Furthermore, the ice cubes on the lid of the jar mimic the cold temperatures found at higher altitudes in the atmosphere, where clouds typically form. 

Hence, by observing this phenomenon, students can gain insights into weather patterns and the role of temperature and humidity in cloud formation.

More Tips:

  • Experiment with different temperatures of water and ice cubes to observe how they affect cloud formation.
  • Additionally, discuss the different types of clouds and their characteristics, such as cirrus, cumulus, and stratus.
  • Also, explore the factors that influence cloud formation in the atmosphere, including air pressure, humidity, and atmospheric instability.


By conducting the cloud formation experiment, students can develop a deeper understanding of atmospheric processes and the formation of weather phenomena. This hands-on activity not only fosters curiosity and observation skills, but also critical thinking abilities, while connecting to broader topics such as climate science and meteorology.

4. Creating a Mini Water Cycle

Creating a mini water cycle model will help middle school science students understand the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.


  • A clear glass or plastic container (e.g., a small fish tank or plastic bowl)
  • Water
  • Plastic wrap or a clear plastic lid
  • Ice cubes
  • Heat source (e.g., lamp or sunlight)


  • Setup:
    • Place the clear container in a well-lit area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
    • Ensure safety precautions are followed, especially when using heat sources.
  • Water Filling:
    • Fill the container with water to about one-third full.
  • Covering:
    • Cover the container with plastic wrap or a clear plastic lid, ensuring it forms a tight seal.
  • Heating:
    • Place the container in direct sunlight or under a lamp to simulate heating and evaporation.
    • Observe as the water heats up and begins to evaporate, forming water vapor inside the container.
  • Condensation:
    • Place a few ice cubes on top of the plastic wrap or lid to simulate cooling.
    • Observe as the water vapor inside the container condenses on the cooler surface, forming droplets.
  • Precipitation:
    • As condensation continues, droplets may coalesce and fall back into the water, simulating precipitation.


This experiment models the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, which are also the fundamental components of the water cycle. 

As water evaporates from the surface and rises into the atmosphere, it cools and condenses into droplets, eventually forming clouds. 

When these droplets become large enough, they fall back to the surface as precipitation, completing the water cycle.

More Tips:

  • Experiment with different heat sources and cooling methods to observe how they affect the water cycle.
  • Additionally, discuss the importance of the water cycle in regulating Earth’s climate and supporting ecosystems.
  • Also, explore the impact of human activities on the water cycle, such as deforestation, urbanization, and climate change.


By creating a mini water cycle model, students can visualize and understand the dynamic processes that govern Earth’s water distribution. Also, this hands-on activity not only fosters curiosity and critical thinking, but also environmental awareness, while reinforcing concepts in earth sciences and hydrology.

5. Acid Rain Simulation

Acid Rain Simulation

To simulate the effects of acid rain and understand its impact on the environment.


  • Two clear glass jars or plastic containers
  • Water
  • Vinegar (acetic acid)
  • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • pH test strips or pH indicator solution
  • Small plants or seeds (optional)


  • Setup:
    • Place the two containers side by side in a well-ventilated area.
    • Ensure safety precautions are followed, especially when handling acids and bases.
  • Acid Solution:
    • In one container, mix water with vinegar to create a dilute acid solution.
    • Optionally, add a few drops of food coloring to distinguish it from the other container.
  • Base Solution:
    • In the second container, mix water with baking soda to create a dilute base solution.
    • Optionally, add a few drops of food coloring to distinguish it from the acid solution.
  • pH Testing:
    • Use pH test strips or pH indicator solution to test the acidity of each solution.
    • Dip a pH test strip into each solution and compare the color change to the pH scale provided.
  • Observation:
    • Observe any differences in color or pH between the acid and base solutions.
    • Note the acidity of each solution and its potential effects on the environment.
  • Optional Plant Experiment:
    • If desired, you can conduct an additional experiment to observe the effects of acid rain on plant growth.
    • Plant small seeds or seedlings in separate pots filled with soil.
    • Water one group of plants with the acid solution and the other group with the base solution.
    • Monitor the growth and health of the plants over time to observe any differences.


This experiment simulates the effects of acid rain, which occurs when pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water vapor in the atmosphere, forming acids that fall to the ground especially during precipitation. 

Overall, by creating acidic and basic solutions and testing their pH levels, students can understand the potential environmental impacts of acid rain on soil, water, and plant life.

More Tips:

  • Research the sources and causes of acid rain, including industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and agricultural practices.
  • Discuss the ecological consequences of acid rain on aquatic ecosystems, soil fertility, and biodiversity.
  • Explore strategies for mitigating acid rain, such as reducing emissions of sulfur and nitrogen compounds and implementing environmental regulations.


By conducting the acid rain simulation experiment, students can gain insights into the chemistry and environmental effects of acid deposition.

6. Investigating the Greenhouse Effect

To investigate the greenhouse effect and understand its role in Earth’s climate system.


  • Two clear glass jars or plastic containers
  • Thermometer
  • Water
  • Plastic wrap or a clear plastic lid
  • Heat source (e.g., lamp or sunlight)


  • Setup:
    • Place the two containers side by side in a well-lit area.
    • Ensure safety precautions are followed, especially when using heat sources.
  • Water Filling:
    • Fill both containers with the same amount of water to about one-third full.
  • Covering:
    • Cover one container with plastic wrap or a clear plastic lid to simulate the greenhouse effect.
    • Leave the other container uncovered as a control.
  • Heating:
    • Place both containers in direct sunlight or under a lamp to simulate heating.
    • Monitor and record the temperature inside each container over time using a thermometer.
  • Observation:
    • Observe any differences in temperature between the covered and uncovered containers.
    • Note how the greenhouse effect traps heat and raises the temperature inside the covered container.


This experiment will demonstrate the greenhouse effect, wherein certain gases in Earth’s atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat from the sun and warm the planet’s surface. 

By covering one container with plastic wrap to simulate a greenhouse, students can observe how trapped heat raises the temperature inside, compared to the uncovered container. 

Overall, this illustrates the role of greenhouse gases in regulating Earth’s climate and temperature.

More Tips:

  • Discuss the causes and consequences of human-induced climate change, including increased greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation.
  • Additionally, explore strategies for mitigating climate change, such as reducing carbon emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and promoting energy efficiency.
  • Also, investigate the potential impacts of climate change on ecosystems, weather patterns, sea levels, and human societies.


By investigating the greenhouse effect, students can develop a deeper understanding of climate science and its relevance to global environmental issues. Such earth science hands-on activities help students to not only take action to address climate change, but also inspire them to build a sustainable future.

7. Temperature Inversion Experiment

To demonstrate the concept of temperature inversion and understand its effects on air quality and weather conditions.


  • Two clear glass jars or plastic containers
  • Water
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Thermometer
  • Heat source (e.g., lamp or sunlight)
  • Ice cubes


  • Setup:
    • Place the two containers side by side in a well-ventilated area.
    • Ensure safety precautions are followed, especially when using heat sources and handling cold objects.
  • Water Filling:
    • Fill both containers with the same amount of water to about one-third full.
    • Optionally, add a few drops of food coloring to one container for visual distinction.
  • Heating:
    • Place one container in direct sunlight or under a lamp to simulate heating from above.
    • Place the other container in a shaded area or near a cool surface to simulate cooling from below.
  • Temperature Measurement:
    • Use a thermometer to measure and record the temperature inside each container at regular intervals.
    • Record the differences in temperature between the two containers.
  • Observation:
    • Observe any differences in temperature between the two containers over time.
    • Note whether the temperature in the shaded container remains cooler than the heated container or vice versa.
  • Ice Cube Test:
    • After observing temperature differences, place a few ice cubes on top of the water in both containers.
    • Observe any changes in temperature distribution and note how the presence of ice affects the air temperature inside each container.


This experiment will help to demonstrate the phenomenon of temperature inversion, wherein the normal decrease in temperature with altitude is reversed, causing a layer of warm air to trap cooler air near the surface. 

Additionally, by simulating heating and cooling conditions in the two containers, students can observe both, how temperature inversion affects air temperature distribution and influences weather patterns, air quality, and atmospheric stability.

More Tips:

  • Research real-world examples of temperature inversions and their impacts on local weather conditions, air pollution, and human health. 
  • Discuss the relationship between temperature inversions and atmospheric phenomena such as fog, smog, and haze.
  • Explore strategies for mitigating air pollution associated with temperature inversions, such as reducing emissions from vehicles and industrial sources.


By conducting the temperature inversion experiment, students can gain insights into atmospheric science and the factors that influence air quality, weather and climate

8. Creating a Thunderstorm

Creating a Thunderstorm Activity

To simulate the formation of a thunderstorm and understand the atmospheric processes involved.


  • Clear glass jar or plastic container
  • Water
  • Shaving cream or whipped cream
  • Blue food coloring
  • Eyedropper or small spoon


  • Setup:
    • Place the glass jar or plastic container on a flat surface in a well-lit area.
    • Ensure safety precautions are followed, especially when handling food coloring.
  • Water Filling:
    • Fill the container with water to about two-thirds full.
  • Cloud Formation:
    • Spray a layer of shaving cream or whipped cream on top of the water to simulate clouds.
    • Use the back of a spoon to spread the cream evenly across the surface.
  • Thunderstorm Initiation:
    • Using an eyedropper or small spoon, add drops of blue food coloring onto the surface of the cream to represent raindrops forming within the clouds.
    • Observe as the food coloring sinks into the water, mimicking the process of precipitation.
  • Agitation:
    • Gently tap or shake the container to simulate atmospheric instability and the buildup of electrical charge within the clouds.
    • Observe any changes in the appearance of the “clouds” and the dispersion of the food coloring.
  • Lightning Simulation (Optional):
    • To simulate lightning, you can use a small LED light or flashlight to create flashes of light within the “clouds.”
    • Shine the light beneath the cream layer to mimic lightning flashes illuminating the interior of the thunderstorm.


This experiment simulates the formation of a thunderstorm, wherein warm, moist air rises, cools, and condenses to form cumulonimbus clouds. As water droplets collide and coalesce within the clouds, they grow in size and eventually fall to the ground as precipitation

By adding food coloring to represent raindrops and agitating the container to simulate atmospheric instability, students can observe the dynamic processes that lead to thunderstorm development.

More Tips:

  • Research the stages of thunderstorm development, including cumulus, mature, and dissipating stages, and the associated weather phenomena such as lightning, thunder, and hail.
  • Discuss the impacts of thunderstorms on human activities, agriculture, transportation, and the environment.
  • Explore safety measures and preparedness strategies for thunderstorms, including lightning safety tips and severe weather warnings.


By creating a simulated thunderstorm, students can gain insights into the atmospheric processes that drive weather phenomena and the factors that contribute to severe weather events. 

9. UV Radiation Experiment

UV Radiation Experiment

Let’s help students understand the effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and the importance of sun protection.


  • UV-sensitive beads (available at science supply stores or online)
  • Clear plastic cup or glass jar
  • Water
  • Sunscreen with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor)
  • UV flashlight or sunlight


  • Setup:
    • Place the clear plastic cup or glass jar in a well-lit area where it can receive direct sunlight.
    • Ensure safety precautions are followed, especially when using UV light sources.
  • Water Filling:
    • Fill the cup or jar with water to about two-thirds full.
  • UV Beads:
    • Add a handful of UV-sensitive beads to the water in the cup or jar.
    • Ensure the beads are fully submerged in the water.
  • Sunscreen Application:
    • Apply a thin layer of sunscreen to one side of the cup or jar, covering about half of its surface area.
    • Leave the other side of the cup or jar without sunscreen as a control.
  • UV Exposure:
    • Expose the cup or jar to sunlight or shine a UV flashlight directly onto it.
    • Observe any changes in the color of the UV beads over time.
  • Observation:
    • Note how the UV beads react to the exposure to UV radiation.
    • Compare the color change of the beads on the sunscreen-applied side to those on the unprotected side.


This experiment not only demonstrates the effects of UV radiation from the sun on UV-sensitive beads, but also how they change color when exposed to UV light. 

By applying sunscreen to one side of the container, students can observe how sunscreen provides protection against UV radiation and prevents color changes in the beads. 

All in all, this highlights the importance of sun protection in reducing the risk of sunburn, skin damage, and skin cancer caused by UV exposure.

More Tips:

  • Discuss the different types of UV radiation (UVA, UVB, UVC) and their effects on the skin and eyes.
  • Explore factors that influence UV exposure, including time of day, season, altitude, and geographic location.
  • Promote sun safety practices such as wearing sunscreen, protective clothing, and sunglasses, and seeking shade during peak sun hours.


By conducting the UV radiation experiment, students can learn about the harmful effects of UV radiation from the sun and the importance of sun protection measures. 

Explore Fun Science Activities with The Science Arena

Are your students not engaging or focusing on science classes with a typical lesson plan? We get it. 

Explore The Science Arena for a trove of activities, boom cards and task cards for science assessment, and editable pintables that will have your middle schoolers not only enjoying your science classes, but also wanting more of it!

We believe science should be action-packed and engaging, not just another line on a standardized test. Our resources are designed to help you lay the foundation of inquisitiveness in your science classroom and nurturing those curious minds to help them become scientific superstars.

So, ditch the dull and dive into the epic with The Science Arena!